Friday, 8 June 2012

Upping the mileage!!

Front Cover
The training programme is going well, I'm managing to keep upping the mileage nicely, although steadily.
I even manged to stick to my training programme on my holiday which I thought was pretty impressive as I'd not anticipated that.
I'm now running for 60 mins at a time (which is by far the longest I've ever run without stopping). Even as a professional footballer we never did any running which was longer than 20 mins non stop. It was all high tempo but short bursts and hence my body is not accustomed to long running periods.
However, I'm running at about an 8 mph pace so I'm up to 8 mile territory.
I'm also working on my injury prevention programme which I do on my "rest days", hence I run one day, do an injury prevention circult for my core body one day, then run etc. (I'll detail this ina future post)
Hence my programme is looking like this;
Monday - Core body Injury prevention circuit
Tuesday - Run - approx
Wednesday - Core body Injury prevention circuit
Thursday - Run
Friday - Core body Injury prevention circuit
Saturday - Rest day
Sunday - Long Run
I've been reading avidly on marathon training books - one by Ricahrd Nerurker  - 
Marathon Running : The Complete Training Guide
which is excellent and I'm taking in this guidance although also doing what feels right for my body and fits into my daily routine, including work and family commitments.
I've also been reading this book
"Keep on Running : The Highs and Lows of a Marathon Addict"
which is very good and very humorous. It describes one man's obsession with running marathons and the euphoria he feels which then fuels his marathon addiction and counteracts the lows of marathon running.
Well worth a read.

In terms of music I've been listening to this a lot and really like it. Very cool, very current and very addictive!!
Until next time.........

Marina And The Diamonds - Primadonna Girl

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